domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

The multiple intelligences theory

The theory of Multiple Intelligences was created by Howard Gardner approximately 25 years ago. Since then, education has considerably changed. Considering the outstanding apparition of new technologies ( Information and Communications Techonology; ICTs) and the increase in the number of dropouts and academic failure, teachers have been questioned and analysed.

Is it their fault or is the parents' lack of attention triggering this failure? Despite these changes, the theory of Multiple Intelligences is being updated and confirmed by lots of educators and linguists. We do have eight intelligences, and we are born with them. The problem arises when we develop some intelligences more than the others. 

For example, some people develop their musical intelligence more than the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. As a consequence, they will be good at music but they will be worse when it comes to play sports. According to Howard Gardner, it is the duty of every teacher to make students' development concerning every single intelligence, not only the linguistic and logical intelligences, but also those concerning social relations and self steem  ( i. e. inter-personal and intra- personal intelligences).

In the link below, you will find two activities that I have prepared with my group of English Didactics, they are in Spanish. 
PowerPoint Intrapersonal Intelligence

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